The Top 10 women Joe Biden might pick as vice president
(This is the third edition of our weekly power rankings of politicians most likely to be chosen as Joe Biden’s Democratic running mate in 2020.
CNN International
April 16 coronavirus news
The coronavirus pandemic continues to spread across the world. Follow here for live updates.
CNN to air coronavirus town hall featuring Biden, Facebook’s Zuckerberg | TheHill
CNN will host a “Coronavirus: Facts and Fears” town hall on Thursday night that will include presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential …
CNN International
Top 10 women Biden may choose for VP
In March, former VP Joe Biden vowed to choose a woman as his running mate if he became the Democratic nominee for President. Since then …
CNN International
Joe Biden has a young voter problem
Former Vice President Joe Biden welcomed endorsements this week from his former 2020 rival Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and former …
Biden says federal government should subsidize some salaries as part of coronavirus recovery
Former Vice President Joe Biden called for the federal government to cover half of some workers’ salaries to help keep people employed …
CNN International
The secret weapon hidden in Obama’s endorsement of Biden
Joe Lockhart is a CNN political analyst. He was the White House press secretary from 1998-2000 in President Bill Clinton’s administration.
CNN International
Elizabeth Warren says she’d serve as Biden’s VP if he asked
(CNN) Elizabeth Warren isn’t done with the 2020 presidential election yet. Asked Wednesday night if she would accept a position as Joe …